Make a Complaint

Ethics Review Committee (ERC) > Make a Complaint

What can I complain about?

The Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) handle complaints regarding hearing services provided by audiologists and audiometrists who are members of Audiology Australia (AudA) and the Australian College of Audiology (ACAud) Inc. HAASA.

The Code of Conduct for audiologists and audiometrists sets the professional and ethical standards that members must meet.

Complaints about financial matters

Regardless of the outcome of a complaint, the Ethics Review Committees cannot compel members to provide a refund, compensation, or alter their fees.  The Ethics Review Committees can only recommend the sanctions outlined in section 6.1.1 on page 24 of the Complaints Management and Resolution Procedures.  If you would like to make a complaint relating to financial matters, you may want to consider contacting the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.  If you complaint relates to financial issues with hearing services subsidised under the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program (HSP) (including the Voucher scheme for pension card holders), the ERC can assist you with forwarding your complaint to the HSP.

Can I get help with making a complaint?

The Ethics Officer can assist you with:

  • understanding the Code of Conduct,
  • finding out if the person who provided hearing services to you is a member of AudA or ACAud Inc. HAASA,
  • assisting you with making a complaint to the correct body if the person who provided hearing services to you is not a member of AudA or ACAud Inc. HAASA,
  • understanding your options, and
  • forwarding your complaint to relevant entities.

You can contact the Ethics Officer at [email protected] or (03) 9940 3911.

How do I make a complaint?

You make a complaint by reading and completing this Complaints Form (click here to download).

The completed Complaints Form can be emailed to the Ethics Officer at [email protected] (preferred method).

If you do not have access to email, you can post the form to:

Ethics Officer
PO Box 370
Victoria 3793

If you have questions or any difficulties completing the Complaints Form you can contact the Ethics Officer at [email protected] or (03) 9940 3911.

What happens once I have made a complaint?

The AudA and ACAud Inc. HAASA Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) are responsible for handling complaints against members according to the Complaints Management and Resolution Procedures.

Wherever possible, the Ethics Officer handles complaints informally through dialogue between the complainant, respondent and any other involved parties, with input from the ERCs when needed.  However, it may be necessary for an ERC to proceed with mediation or a formal investigation and hearing according to the relevant professional body’s Complaints Management and Resolution Procedure.  The AudA and ACAud Inc. HAASA ERC may then make recommendations to the relevant Board regarding any appropriate sanctions.

Audiology Australia and the Australian College of Audiology Inc. HAASA 2024